Hello everyone! I hope you're having a great day and welcome to my page! If you congratulate me and I don't return one please message me and I will gladly :) I am an adult player I played YEARS ago when you had to give shots and then played again a couple years ago before the change and now I'm back :) I'm a reader and love (almost) anything to do with Disney! I also enjoy watching anime and netflix things lol message me with any questions I'll try my best to help answer them (if they'r about game play) or just hit me up and we'll talk :)
As for horses I give all my Black Market stuff and my bonuses to my immortal horses if I don't want the Black Market item - such as Aphrodite's Tears, Piece's of Cloud, and Water of Youth I will usually put them in the item exchange for something I want. I don't age my horses so anything to go with age is usually pointless.