Riding Horse Thoroughbred Chestnut
Hi you guys! ^.^

I'm a 23 years old Dane, who loves horses!
I've loved horses since forever and I still do! :3
I'm currently studying eventmanagement, and I hopefully will for the next 3 and a half years, so I'm busy busy! ^^ But when I'm not being educated, I try to make time to be here, while also making time to exercise a big passion of mine, shows and movies, I am very good at watching those ^.^
I also love a good book though, and feel free to pm if you want to talk about any good books or shows and movies, I love finding new ones! ;3 Or if you want to talk about something completely different! :3

Riding pegasus Thoroughbred Dark Bay

I've been on Howrse since 2012 with my danish profile, so I know a lot about the game, and I've enjoyed it all these years. :3
I don't breed to be the best, but I do try to breed great horses, and I try to get all the trophies I can! ^.^
I don't buy or sell much, once in a while I put a lot of my horses up for sale, but you're welcome to pm if you find an interesting one, who is not on sales, or if you want a covering from one of my stallions ;3
Riding pegasus Knabstrupper Black Leopard
If you've come this far, thank you for reading my presentation! ^.^ I try to congratulate everyone back, and I accept all friend requests :3
And if you feel for a chat, don't hesitate, I like chatting with people, if it's about the game or just for the sake of a nice chat ^.^
Bye, and good luck with your game, and thanks again for reading this far :-D