                                                             First Unicorn 12/4/17  First Divine 12/7/17                                                

About Me

Online Name: Fire, or LadyFire. 
Level in life: 21 

Likes: Anime, Sleep, Netflix, Horses (Duh.), Wolves, Drawing, Reading, and listening to music. The colors blue, red, black, (Yes I know it's a shade), Purple, and Pastel blues/purples/pinks . Spelling. Snow. My favorite element is Fire.

 Dislikes: Cold (I love snow, just not the cold it comes with.), Rude people, incorrect spelling (Especially when people act all high and mighty about themselves, then they spell something simple wrong.)

More about me:
~I am sometimes sarcastic, and a bit socially awkward. (So, sorry about that.)

 ~I used to ride horses when I was 12 at a local horse ranch, where they saved abused/mistreated horses. I haven't been around one since. (Sadly.)

~I own 4 cats, a pure black one named Midnight, my Tuxedo cat Whiskers, an Orange Tabby named Rufio, and my precious Flame Point Siamese, Spooks. 


"Howrse Life"

Beginning: I originally played Howrse back somewhere around 2010/11- 2012/13.
Present: I had to recently make new accounts because I guess the original I had was deleted. I also have to re-learn a lot of things because I was gone so long.
~~trying to collect GA coats if you have any you are willing to negotiate on PM me! I don't have passes though, sorry.~~
 My favorite Items are:
 ~Golden Apple
~Fertility Wand
~Medusa's Blood
~horn of Plenty
~Aging Points

Horses: I love the Arabian Horses, Shetland ponies, and All Unicorns/ Pegasus.(and the occasional donkey.)

Where do I frequent:
~Ask about any horse in the "horses without a breeding farm" if you would like to buy. Those ones are most likely for Sale (For cheap).
~I do pm people to see about deals but I do not ask for anything except negotiations that are fair to both me and the person I ask.
 ~I would like to get better with breeding horses, If you have some good tips please feel free to let me know.

~Also leave a Congrats and I will always give one back. :)
 ~Feel free to friend me as well, I accept all!
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