
This is my third (?) attempt at a Howrse account. I had a pretty sweet one when I was like 11 but that's gone now and I only recently decided to get back on (after kinda forgetting about this website for a while...)

A few interesting facts about me and this account:

1.) All my horses on here will be/are named after names of songs or types of musical compositions that I used to play in orchestra. For example:
...aaaand there's more where that came from...

I may have to expand to other themes for names if I run out of "name-sounding" song titles.

2.) My username is Gryffinclaw primarily because I love Harry Potter (legit almost named my horses after Harry Potter characters)

I mostly identify with Ravenclaw, but Gryffindor is my "secondary house" if you wanna go there. I have a little bit of Hufflepuff and like zero Slytherin according to a house percentages quiz, which I found pretty accurate.

3.) IDK what else to say...