Hi It's IdReAm welcome to my page... I am a girl in the ages between 0-20. I live on a farm somewhere in the world, on a dairy farm that has jersey cows and a few beefies (red Herefords). I have been playing howrse for 5 or so years but my accounts usually got deleted due to inactivity or forgot my password (to be honest I thought it was quite boring because You can't do much in the first 30 days which is quite bad I think because it puts people off the game). BUT DON'T WORRY IT WON'T HAPPEN AGAIN (hopefully) I plan to have this account for a few years until I get bored of it (which may never happen or could happen tomorrow but doubt it will happen then).
Breeding- I am mainly working on breeding Arabians with over 10,500 gp. I used to breed Selle francais horses then I stopped and then I bred Gypsy vanners and then I decided ooh I could breed crossbred Selle francais/ Gypsy vanners. I breed Arabians for the team  Àṝḁьĩḁŋś Ḏáŋčĩŋḡ Ĭŋ Ťĩḿē. REMEMBER TO SIGN MY GUESTBOOK, CHECK MY FORUM AND DEFROST MY FROST!. (: Sales- Offer on any horses and I will say yay or neigh. (remember I can't sell my first horse or vintage apples-unless you give me a ga and then I can sell it to you). Trade offers- check my exchanges at the top of my page. 
Àṝḁьĩḁŋś Ḏáŋčĩŋḡ Ĭŋ Ťĩḿē is an Arabian team that has over 10,500 genetic potential and for people that are either my siblings or my friends we are doing pretty well at the moment (: we're in the top 20ish in the rankings I don't remember.                                  Curly, it even has a horn is a curly unicorn team which is also only for people I know (:                                                                                      Freisian, with a horn is freisian unicorn team which is also, also only for people I know. (the last two teams I stopped- the unicorn teams)                                                                                                            Colour in Mawari's is a marwari team that has golden marwari horses so yeah. (also got rid of that team.)                                              More than thoroughly bred is a thoroughbred team I manage on my own with the occasional help from Alli43.                                        Bellisimi Cavalli is an awesome team founded by righthererightnow all I did was make it, a great lusitano stud. :DD

We live on a farm with 350 or so cows and a few beefy cows. We also have about 80 chickens (I know a lot- well to be honest half of those are roosters...). About 20 fish (one called nibblas and one called cruise, the others don't have names) 5 horses- Asti a grey skewbald Irish sport horse 14.2hh pony mare, Missy a palomino welsh/arabian 13.2hh pony mare, Dusty a dun wild 14.1hh pony mare, Tess a palomino Arabian/ station bred 13.3hh pony mare and or course little Jojo a silver bay Timor pinto 11hh pony mare (yes they are all pony mares lol). 4 cats- Chip a wild kitten found on our farm with our other cat Tazz who was also wild on our farm (brothers). 3 dogs-  Rusty a male red huntaway/ kelpie cross, Rosie a female red huntaway/ kelpie cross which is rusty's sister and Gem a female black huntaway/ kelpie cross whos also rusty's sister and obviously Rosie's sister too. Ziggy - Passed away a couple years ago, Spark- Passed away quite a few years ago. UPDATE 19/12/18: :c R.I.P Simba. UPDATE 12/3/19: :c R.I.P Elfie <3

Thanks Kxyla for making this awesome layout!                                             
