
I love anime and TV shows~ feel free to chat though!

Best general ranking so far! 9500th, April 11 2019! :)

>very inactive person here<

Retired Coat/Future RC Giveaway!

Sign up here!: RC Giveaway #2 <-- click there.

Well it's actually not a giveaway. I'm selling a soon-to-be-retired coat for 500e, and since I know a lot of people will be interested, I'm going to randomly choose someone to sell it to.

I've found someone to sell the horse to! "giveaway" number 3 will be around soon, when I actually update my presentation and get some school work done.

Popularity: 51st (80 visits) on May 6, 2018!

Thank you tack_girl for being my 1000th congratulator! The prize is currently nonexistent, but will arrive in the... future... [April 2 I believe?]
tropicanaoj1 was my 1100th congratulator! [April 3]
Missed number 1200. Sorry. :( [April 6]
skiadrum0 - 1300th congratulator! [April 9]
Missed number 1400. Sorry. :( [April 13]
Missed number 1500.... [April 18]
1600... I know someone sent me a PM, but I kind of lost it somewhere. [April 20]
2000... May 1? May 2?!
2200 - papa999 - [May 7]
2300 - Mystic Warrior - [May 12]
I give up on keeping track...

If you have problems, like colds and burns and such: CLICK HERE. It's useful. Very useful.

Retired Coat/Future RC Giveaway!
Sign up here!: RC Giveaway #1 <-- click there. In forums you click the banner.
You can advertise on your page, equestrian center page, or equestrian center forum if you'd like.

Cordial has a 1000 days giveaway!

Last Update: March 26, 2018


Earliest Guestbook (that I've seen): 24 January 2012 - The Tragic Hero, lalaweki1
Visitors Book: 11 February 2010 - *TR* Acres , -Tamara-
8th of March 2009 - https://www.howrse.com/centre/forum/sujet?id=330425&sujet=536874238&page=0
frostycolkid's EC :)

March 13, 2009. Currently 4th place! Appy2d's 

May 4, 2008: https://www.howrse.com/centre/forum/sujet?id=205072&sujet=751622981
3rd place! eremsr's 

January 14, 2008. Wow. 2nd place now!

December 2, 2007! horselover1981's.