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Hi and a firstly warm welcome to my page! I am 22 years old and have been playing this game since I was 8 years old, I own a thoroughbred called Heidi in real life and enjoy classical dressage lessons where I have time.

My Game

Feel free to add me as a friend!
I breed arabians and have some arabian Unis also, I have tried breeding other breeds however they have always been my first love and I struggle to keep up trying to breed multiple breeds at once. 

Sales Enquiries

Sales enquiries are welcome in my For Sale tab, all offers will be considered however please keep in mind pass offers are preferred. Please keep negotiations respectful.

 Breeding Enqiries

I have two main breeding stallions High Voltage 20301 (7500e covering fee) and Altitude 20028 (7000e covering fee), if you would like a reserved covering please feel free to message me and I will try my best to get back to you ASAP. It only takes a day for their coverings to be snatched up so bookings are essential!