Trying to be more active!
Mountain View

I accept any and all friend requests, and I try to congratulate everyone back!

Feel free to message me if you want to chat!


I'm an 20-year-old girl who lives in the middle of nowhere. My favorite hobbies include hiking, horse-back riding, reading, drawing, and craving pizza dipped in ranch dressing. I am studying engineering at the local university. While I do not own a horse, my passion is retained through playing Howrse. 

I'm not a stranger to this game, however. I have been here since it first opened, really. I remember all the old, old interfaces and horse art, back when there were very few breeds. I remember the objectives, the quiz area, the riding levels, the jobs, the idea suggestion place, etc. With my busy life, I've struggled to maintain a steady account, so... here I am again, trying to scrap out a living on this ever-growing game. My last account was Muddy, if anyone remembers. I got to like... 300 days of seniority before school took over my life. 


My main focus is on breeding purebred Curly and Appaloosa horses at the moment. I don't have an AP farm, as I do not have the time or resources for that kind of upkeep. I'm not too concerned with being the best or most prestigious person on Howrse. I'm just your friendly neighborhood player!

Most of my game will be tailored towards collecting the Golden Apple and Vintage Apple coats--as well as the Helios rays backgrounds. These will be applied to special horses that I own, that will be forever immortalized. I want to collect all the breed coats too, but... that will be a while, haha!

Current Lines:
- Curly Kippers (Curlies Gen. 3)
- Slop for Spots (Appies, Gen. 3)

Future Lines:
- Recklessly Muddy (Uni Mustangs)
- The Only Ten I See (Ten. Walkers)

# of horses I have BLUPPED: 48
None of my horses are for sale unless explicitly mentioned.


This is for all my horses that have a custom coat (like Golden/Vintage) or are a Divine. They are not for sale at any time. Any offers will be either denied or ignored, no matter the price.


This is all of my past and current goals that I want to accomplish.