Thanks for checking me out!

Feel free to add me as a friend! I accept everyone.

I am a coat collector

I will buy female foals off you for up to 5000e!

They must be from any of my unfinished breeds. So everything except the ones listed below. 

Coats I have finished:

Please feel free to check out the foals I have for sale.

Hazel Stables

Also feel free to take a look at my Equestrian Centre, Hazel Stables. If you would like to make a reservation, please do not be afraid to ask! I am trying to make as many things available to my boarders as possible. It is a work in progress.

I also started a forum there! Go introduce yourself and say hello! :) If you do, I might just send a gift of some sort ;) 

A little bit about me...

I am an adult player and I am in university and work in long term care running activities for seniors. I have a dog and a cat and they are my whole life. My dog is the sweetest baby ever!a4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336.png I used to own 2 horses and have had several horses over the past 12 years. Currently, I do not have the money or time for horses. However, I like to visit my dad's horses whenever I can. 

Blessed Be


-  WitchHazel

you can call me Ally
