Hi everyone! This is my second time on Howrse, so I'm pretty familiar with the game. I am a nice person, so feel free to message me. Due to being busy with school, I may not answer right away but I will answer as soon as possible. ;) I accept all friend requests. 

I am looking for:
Colts and fillies (from mares in the Friesian and The other horses tab) with $ under the For Sale tab (or any tab) are for sale, message me to reserve any before I put them up for auction or direct sale. (usually once a month or so) (horses/ponies with * are mixed breed)

I am focusing on breeding horses/ponies, and would also gladly receive any horses/ponies you wish to get rid of. (colts/fillies under 1 yr 6 mo: 1000-1500e each, over 1 yr 6 mo: 2500-3500e each)

ALSO, every 100th congrats I receive, that player will receive a horse of their choice under the For Sale tab.