Hi, I'm Fanni, a Hungarian player (I am not a man of great English). I mainly deal with draft horses, unicorn draft horses, and with Hungarian horse breeds Lipizzan and Shagya Arabian horses.


The Lipizzaner horse is a horse breed declared a national treasure in Hungary. 

The history of the Lipizzaner horses began in 1580, when Ferdinand I, son of the German-Roman emperor Hungarian and Czech king, Archduke Charles founded a breeding farm for the Spanish Riding School in Vienna, founded in 1572 - in Lipik, on the Karst Plateau near Trieste, which belongs to the empire, in present-day Lipica, Slovenia.
The genetic basis of the breeding farm was provided by the horses found there and valued in the Middle Ages, but with a slightly heavy body and imported from Spain, and the mountain horses, which are also local, hard-natured.
The ancestors of the breed include tough mountain horses and Spanish-Neapolitan stallions. Eight of the stallions used in the beginnings established genetic lines that still exist today, and breeding is based on these.
The Lipizzaner stud was fled to Hungary twice during the Napoleonic Wars, thus forming the Lipizzaner herd of Mezőhegyes. These horses were moved to Alsószombatfalva in 1876, and from there to Bábolna in 1912. From here, in the 1950s, they were again in a mountainous environment, Szilvásvárad.
The Lipizzaner is a true international variety, widespread throughout the world. It has been bred for 400 years, with the exception of the only Arabian drip cross used in the early 1800s, a foreign breed has never been used in its breeding. It is distinguished by the outstanding genetic value of the Hungarian herd.

Stallions forming breeding lines:
Pluto Senior, a gray stallion, arrived in Lipica from Denmark in 1772 from the Royal Stud in Frederiksborg, which at that time was breeding Spanish-blooded horses known throughout Europe.

The Conversano tribe dates back to Neapolitan origins. The black stallion called Conversano was purchased in 1774 by Prince Kaunitz from the stud of the Counts of Conversano at the behest of Crown Prince Joseph. It belonged to the Neapolitan breed and can be traced back in part to Spanish horses.

Favory Senior was born in 1779 in Kladrub, which breeds the heavy harnessed Spanish-Neapolitan court horses of the monarchy. In order to increase the weight, breeding individuals from this stud are later introduced into the Lipizzaner breed several times. The pale Favory Senior came to Lipica from 1783, giving birth to one of the most productive stallion lines of the breed.

Simultaneously with Favory, the original Spanish Maestoso Senior is transferred from Kladrub to Lipica. The excellent Spanish stallion, with its good appearance and movement, establishes a powerful breed in the Lipizzaner breed.

Neapolitano Senior tenyészműködésének kezdete szintén az 1783-as esztendőhöz fűződik. Ahogyan neve is elárulja, nápolyi eredetű törzsről van szó. A 13 éves, kitűnő küllemű mén nyereg alatt tette meg a hosszú utat Nápolyból Lipicára. Az akkor már szinte egyöntetűen szürke állományba fedezőménül választott pej Neapolitano csak kivételes tulajdonságainak köszönhette ezt a megtiszteltetést, amit máig fennmaradt törzzsel hálált meg a lipicai fajtának.

The Incitato tribe is of Hungarian origin in Transylvania. In 1802, Count Paul Bethlen purchased some of the original Spanish horses that had just arrived from Bonchida, then a famous stud for his own breed. Among them was a stallion named Curioso as well as a mare named Capelano. From the mating of the two of them, Incitato Senior, a breeding stallion, was born in the spring of 1810. The military stud in Mezőhegyes noticed the stallion with good features and bought it in 1814.

The cultivation of the Tulip tribe also praises the Hungarian invention. No. 19. At the end of the 19th century, the Jankovich-Bésán family was famous for its horse breeding. He operated a quality Lipizzaner breeding plant in the Terezovac stud farm in Slavonia. To illustrate its significance, it is enough to mention that the Hungarian State Lipizzaner Stud working in Fogaras at that time also bought several horses from Terezovác, so all the Pluto living today come from a tribe bred here, but the Maestoso and Neapolitano tribes also received a life-saving blood transfusion. Yet in the horse-breeding public consciousness, Terezovác’s name is mostly associated with the breeding of the Tulip tribe, which was born using the original Spanish import and Lipizzan mares of the Jankovichs and the stallion of the Favory tribe called Tulips.


Very instructive, very obedient, well-worked, solidly organized, resilient, not in high demand variety. It is primarily a breeder, an excellent carriage and carriage rider, and also a horse breed traditionally used in Spanish schools. Internationally very successful in the field of dental sports. It is usually gray, but often occurs in black and even bay. Height at the withers measured with a stick is 152–162 cm.

The appearance of the horse:

The Lipizzaner is not very large, noble but not fine-headed. Neck high set, short. A horse with a muscular back, a well-muscled tail, and more of a rattle than a deep, fair-legged, hard-hoofed breed. His trot movement is characterized by high foot lift and action movement. The variety has a lot of gray, but bay and black also occur. His head is a characteristic ram's head. His neck is muscular, short. His ears are especially large.



The Shagya-Arab native Hungarian horse breed, declared a national treasure.
This warm-blooded horse breed is a variant of the Arabian horse breed bred by the Bábolna and Radautzi studs and further bred on the basis of the closed pedigree of different nations. It is most commonly seen in gray and brown, but also occurs in chestnut and black.
From the end of the 18th century, the army demanded faster and better horses. Horses had to be not only fast and persistent, but also elegant. The purpose of breeding was originally to create a military stallion. Breeding was regulated by regulations. II. In 1789, József founded the Bábolna Imperial and Royal Stud in Bábolna-Banapuszta, where horses could enter after sorting by appearance and performance. In 1806, by order of Emperor Francis, the task was to breed “excellent and noble” herds. Captain József Csekonits (Csekonits) created a basic herd with mares from Mezőhegyes, some Spanish and one Arab stallion, which was suitable for the production of high-quality horse herds. According to a decision made in 1816, the mares of Bábolna with a high proportion of Arab blood can only be covered by Arab stallions, and the Arab of Bábolna was created. In 1836, Bábolna came from Syria to the breed's namesake, Shagya Senior stallion from the Koheilan family, whose descendants still live in the stud.
The breed flourished between 1932 and 1942 under the stud headquarters of Tibor Pettkó-Szandtner. Then shagya-Arab became a world-famous type of tooth. In World War II, the stud suffered severe damage. After the war, Bábolna was transformed into a "socialist model economy". But the poultry farm brought in so much money that the stud could be maintained next to it. Two varieties were bred, the Arabian Thoroughbred and the Arabian breed, i.e. Shagya-Arab.
Founded in 1967, WAHO, the World Federation of Arabian Horse Breeders, has accepted only a horse whose ancestor is from Arabia. It was then that the sale of the well-known Arabian horses from Bábolna began abroad. Shagya Arabic was recognized as a distinct breed by WAHO in 1978.


Arab in character, a slightly more massive variety. Its color is usually gray, but chestnut, bay, black also occur. Height at the withers measured with a stick is 155-160 cm. It has a lively temperament, is gentle, benign in nature, docile and easy to handle. He has also proven to be a backseat and a receiver.

The appearance of the horse:

It is usually gray, but any color other than variegated may occur. His head is straight, dry pike head, eyes sitting outside, vivid, meaningful. The neck is set high, the ribs are well muscled, the trunk is deep, the back is medium long and the tail is muscular. His joints are mostly dry. Late-ripening, long-lived variety. Not nervous, calm in nature.

Shagya Arabs are very much used to long distance riding. They are very tough and can withstand a long gallop. Their physique is extremely suited to perform well in long distance races. We can meet Shagya Arabs from Bábolna in many foreign competitions. In addition to long-distance riding, they also perform well in teeth, and there are also some talented shagya horses in dressage. They can jump over 120-125 cm very certainly. We can also meet them as a hobby and training horse. Today, more and more people are using shagya horses in westerns as well. They turn around easily and learn quickly so it’s no surprise that western riders also liked this breed. They also earned the respect of traditional equestrian archers with their guarantees and docility, as many keep Shagya Arabs. They like children.
