-this is very outdated-
Notices and quotes
More or less inactive, mostly logging on just for promos, divines, and maintaining VIP.

"Sometimes, the
smallest things take up the most room in your heart."
About me
Hi, I'm sunshinemonster. I live in the United States, on the east coast. Other than that, I think that's all you need to know about me. I'm also really bad at responding to stuff, so if I ignore your PM, it's nothing personal. That said, if I don't respond to your PM within a couple days, and I'm not on vacation, please PM me again, as I may have deleted it... 

I love math and school, along with art (although I'm still terrible). I have forgotten everything I knew about html, considering how long it's been since I've coded a layout for howrse. Oh well... XD
My Game
I'm rather inactive here. Just hanging around because of the sentimental value of this game, and because I cannot stand letting VIP run out. 

I like coding, so if you want me to make a layout for you, feel free to PM me, and I'll see if I can make you one. But I seem to have forgotten everything, so it'll be a lot of trial and error as I relearn everything. 

I am not a pass buyer, even though I am a VIP. Everything I have I worked hard for or got lucky and won in a promotion. Which is also to say, as soon as I stopped playing competitively, my collection of stuff has ballooned.

I'd also like to thank all of my friends, you guy's are awesome!! <3 It's no small feat to be able to stay on my friend's list! 
mY teams
I am an active member on precisely 0 teams. 

I am open to VIP filling for teams, as long as the breeds are not the same as the one's I am already on. 
Buttons and stuff
Join me in the middle of nowhere.

If you want to find me on deviantart, my username is QueenSunshineMonster.