Hello, Welcome to my page!! My favorite horses are Appaloosas and Paints, but I love all horses!

About Me:
I use to play this game all the time when I was little (I'm talking back when it was a brand new game  ~2007ish) but I got busy in middle/ high school and played on and off...then apparently I took a little bit too long of a break and my account got deleted ce52790629679d930ca16c39a4f619c3.pngso now, as an adult, I play leisurely. I'm trying to regularly play like I did when I was little, but adulting doesn't really allow for thatce52790629679d930ca16c39a4f619c3.png I'm trying to play enough that my account doesn't get deleted.

I didn't grow up around horses, but I have always loved them and rode whenever I could. Now that I'm an adult with a career, I was finally able to follow my horsey dreams!

I ended up buying an untouched mustang as my first horse and he is the bestest boy ever! He was very easy to train and I was riding him within 3months! We just started trail riding and I plan to start showing him this year. http:http:

My horses aren't for sell unless they are already in the for sale tab, and I only put my horses up for auction, no private sales, so just bid if you want them. That way everyone has a fair chance of getting them.

My current goal is to collect all companions and I am getting started on collecting special coats. I also want to produce quality Appaloosa's and Paints. 935cc82ef2748ac36d8c208173df154a.png
