I am a friendly female player in my mid twenties
This is my fourth  account since 2008 (other three deleted due to inactivity) and hopefully this one is here to stay.

This is a game, and while some players are competitive others are just here for fun (like myself). 
Lets all be kind and respectful towards one another.

Offers on horses are always welcome, the worst I can say is no thank you. If I don’t reply it could be for a few different reasons. 
1. I’ve deemed your message to be rude.
2. I have missed your message.
3. Your offer is far too low.

Always trying to help new players!
Happy howrsing!

Note: I do purchase horses from direct sales and auctions to “flip” for profit, if cheap enough. Although not everything I get is “flipped”, and much of it I keep for my own “special” collection or to complete trophies. But, if I message you about a horse in direct sales to “negotiate” on the price, know that it is ONLY because I want the horse for my own, again, “special” collection, NOT to “flip” EVER.