"On a swift steed...on whom a map seems drawn, since his body is the earth and fire is the spirit in his breast; his foam is the sea, his breath the air-in all, a confusion where chaos may be glimpsed, for in his spirit, foam, body, and breath, he is a very monster of fire, earth, water, and wind; on such a steed, then, dappled silvery gray, and spurred on by a rider under whom he does not run, but flies-on such a steed there comes a graceful woman to your presence." -Clarin, Life is a Dream by Pedro Calderon de la Barca

"She said, "Don't you know that these storybook loves
Always have a happy ending?"
Then he swooped her up just like in the books
And on his stallion they rode away." -"Storybook Love", Mark Knopfler