
About me

My name is Klaudia and I am a 24yo adult player from Poland.
I speak polish, english and currently learning spanish!
Been around here since I was 12 :) A lot has changed!
In love with horses, cats and rodents of all kinds!
I have a young kitty and an old guinea pig at home.
Neurodivergent :) be patient with me pls!
Gemini sun, Virgo moon, Cancer rising
You can always DM me or add me as a friend!

My game

Just got more active after years of being inactive!

I mostly breed Marwari, Paint Horse and a bunch of unicorns! Other horses are welcome too, though!

I try my best to congratulate back! I really really hope you won an UFO :D

I deleted this part of who made it, and then I completely forgot who it was. I changed the colors, fonts and picture myself tho.