Hello, peoples.   My first account got deleted years ago from lack of playing, my life had gotten very busy.

If you like to read, check out this awesome book I found on kindle!  Twin Fury

Yes, I love middle earth.



1. Sit in parked a car with sunglasses on and point a hairdryer at passing cars and see if they slow down..
2. Page yourself over the intercom. Don't disguise your voice.
3. Every time someone asks you to do something ask them if they want fries with that.
4. Put a paper bin on your desk and label it "in."
5. Order a diet water whenever you go out to eat-- with a serious face.
6. Specify that your drive-through order is "to go."
7. Skip rather than walk
8. Don't use any punctuation.
9. Sing along at the opera.
10. Five days in advanced tell your friends you cant go to their party because you aren't in the mood.
11. Have your friends address you by your wrestling name,rock bottom.
12. When money comes out of the cash machine scream "I won, I won!!"
13. When leaving the zoo, start running toward your car in the parking lot screaming "Run for your lives, they're loose!"
14. Put this on your page and make someone else smile!!

Amazingly, whether you believe or not, you're never alone. Did you know that 98% of teenagers will not stand up for God, and 93% of the people that read this won’t put this on their page! So please put this on your page! God is always there for you. He will never leave you nor forsake you.....

I was here before you got a Golden Apple with your first horse.

I was here when the minimum price for ECs was 30 equus.

I was here when the Great Challenge didn't exist, and the Lottery was rare.

I was here before the Chinese Divines and the Seal of the Apocalypse.

I was here when you could buy Apollos' Lyres in the Black Market.

I was here before the Equestrian Forum, and before we could "heart," "quote," and use "spoilers."

I was here before the VIP Account.

I was here before Highland Ponies, Akhal-Tekes, and Icelandic Horses.

I was here before Gypsum's new coat, and here when the Cremello coat had blue eyes.

I was here before winged unicorns.

I was here before the new background format.

I was here when diamonds were a big part of the game.

I was here when ScarecrOw, ArrOw, and MeOw weren't.

I was here when you could still find Cowbra in the Directories.

I was here when there were still Objectives.

I am a true Howrser.

Copy and paste this to your page if you are, too!

John 3:16
Romans 6:23