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I try to congratulate back everyone and I'm sorry if I miss yours.

Hey everyone!

I'm Mattia, a 24 years old Italian guy. 8-)_v1828806360.png
I used to play on Howrse a lot when I was younger but then sadly I lost my old account (I still remember the shock when horses changed to the new coats!) and in these years I've been on and off the site but now I'm trying to be constant and at least not lose this account!

More about me:
I really like languages. I speak Italian, English, Spanish and French (kinda) and at the moment I'm learning Catalan and Norwegian. I'm also interested in starting Russian, Dutch and Greek haha. Feel free to contact me in any of those languages!
I also work as a tour guide in Summer and I'm currently studying to become a translator or an interpreter (hard choice).

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Have a good game! ^)_v1828806360.png


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