
I'm currently working on a few projects:

Expanding the center and upping it's prestige of my equestrian center, Water Willows. See the link to be taken to the center's forum. 

I also host competitions through the center too, I hope y'all try some out.

Establishing the bloodlines of the various breeds I have. I work with pure-breed horses only for my lineages. I'm also working on increasing the overall prestige in my bloodlines so I can produce better and better foals down the line.

Opening up my stock. I plan to be open to selling foals and do pairings with the horses in my bloodlines. This excludes my Personal Bloodline breeding farm.

Working on expanding my affixes. I want to open my affixes to more people to add their stock to.

I still consider myself relatively green to the game so I'm just going at my own pace. Feel free to reach out and PM at any time with questions you have!

Thanks for stopping by!
