
Hi and welcome to my page.

My name is Amry, I am 16 years old and live in the desert. I also like fire, a lot. My friends taught me how to safely light myself about a year ago and I have recently became a performer. I used to be able to play a variety of instrument but I lost interest once I entered high school. I have both ADD and Aspergers. I am a furry and am going to make a suit in September. Thats it tbh, I don't do much.

My Game: Well, I breed GV, Marwari, and KWPN. If you see a horse you want, make an offer. But my 6300+ KWPN arent for sale and neither is Motivation, Paradise Lost, Mountains Majesty, and basically anyone who isnt blupped and has no foals. So to put it the easy way, either foals or blupped horses are for sale.

My "Nightfire" mixture:

4 cups hand sanitizer

2 cups water

Tablespoon of perfume

Mix all three together and you can light anything on fire without it burning.

Also you can only see it in the dark, hense Nightfire.

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