Okay I know I'm gonna get alot hate for this but when it comes to getting passes I think they should take pass horses out. It's really tiring trying to get a pass horse for something only to to see the price has risen to a gross range once again because of what's called GREEDY players. I'm tired of them all doing it to make THEIR game better for THEMSELVES knowing passes aren't easy to come by unless you buy them. So what's their thought process? Let's jack the prices up every few weeks because we can.  How about you all remember before the economy change if you traded in 1 pass for equus you would get 50,000e. That's the price HOWRSE had placed on THEIR product in THEIR game. Now if you trade in 19 of the new passes you get 9,500e. I will admit Ow let down alot of their players but a good reason why most of the old players that were here from day 1 either quit or in your own words turned mean is because of your greedy give me give me give me attitudes. You're really disgusting because of it. I'm not saying make the game easy for everyone but what I am saying is don't jack the price up like a bunch of douchebags because you feel like you can when what you're getting isn't worth whay you're paying.

 I love horses and own a thoroughbred appaloosa named Beau. He's a gentle giant.