
My name is Kristina but a lot of people used to call me Blondie but now its more Kris or Mamma Bear ! I used to play on here a lot when I was younger but now I have came back and try to get on as much has I can. I've loved horses ever sense I was a kid and I still do to this day, eventually I will own my very own! That's probably a reason why I love animals so much that I fill my house with little creatures that have a time of their lives! If your still wondering why I'm called Mamma Bear is cause I have a daughter names Aurora, her nickname is Bear, hints why I'm called Mamma Bear. 


One of the main things I'm trying to do on here is live as if these horses where real and are my own. I do how ever wanna try and get the breeder trophies cause I play Pokemon too and have been known to love to breed them. I love all my originals and try to make ever horse that I own on here the best they can be so that everyone would want them and love them like I do. Also I'm trying to get as many rares/Divine horses to. I have been known to spend a little money to try and get them but I can only do so much. I will still take horses from people if they would like me to. I will always keep them if that comes to.

I'm still learning how to get my boarding working really well. As experienced people know that it takes time but I'm slowly working on it so every one that boards with me will get the very best for their horses and ponies!


I hope you enjoyed my page and that maybe we can be friends! Feel free to check our all my beloved horses below!
