Hiya, adult player here

Sorry I do not accept random friend requests but just sent a quick message and say hi and I'll probably add you. I'm not overly chatty but I do try and help during events... 

I play mostly on the mobile app so I have a great deal of trouble reading and posting on the forums but I do answer most PMs.

Although I'm a touch capricious about my game play and even what horses I buy and sell; when I put a horse up for sale as negotiable, I do mean negotiable. Please, however, do not ask my lowest. I have priced the horse as I feel fair and cannot both buy and sell it. Make a reasonable offer and I'll totally get back to you. 

I do try and return congratulations but I miss a bunch and I apologise.

Fun stuff...

I do ride, but do not own my own horse.

I have a Betta fish named Ganelon. I'm betting no one knows where the name comes from.

I'm trying to teach myself Swedish. I don't think it is going well but I keep trying!

I read a lot and I read anything. I do mean anything from books on physics and cosmology and paleontology to trashy romances and sci Fi.

My two favorite books are very probably Good Omens and The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

Have a great day.