PitaPata Horse tickers

I was here when you got a Golden Apple with your first horse. 
I was here when the minimum price for ECs was 30 equus. 
I was here when the Great Challenge didn't exist, and the Lottery was rare. 
I was here before the Chinese Divines and the Seal of the Apocalypse. 
I was here when you could buy Apollos' Lyres in the Black Market. 
I was here before the Equestrian Forum, and before we could "heart," "quote," and use "spoilers." 
I was here before the VIP Account. 
I was here before Highland Ponies, Akhal-Tekes, and Icelandic Horses. 
I was here before Gypsum's new coat, and here when the Cremello coat had blue eyes. 
I was here before winged unicorns. 
I was here before the new background format. 
I was here when diamonds were a big part of the game. 
I was here when ScarecrOw, ArrOw, and MeOw weren't. 
I was here when you could still find Cowbra in the Directories. 
I was here when there were still Objectives. 
I was here when you couldn't re-chose a username. 
I am a true Howrser. 
Copy and paste this to your page if you are, too!