
Welcome to my little corner of Howrse. I'm Tasese, also known as Qilin on the German version and Zanthe on the Dutch one, I'm from Belgium and speak Dutch, English, a wee bit French and German.

Since August I'm the proud owner of a 5 year old Quarter Horse mare!!!!
And then you realise you aren't the experienced rider you thought you were. Hahaha, luckely for me, she is blessed with infinite patience and allows me to learn to be a better rider without being a difficult horse or taking advantage of my inexperience.

My presentation is a bit primitive. I'm too lazy to make a decent one or I just lack the skills. Perhaps a bit of both.


I accept all friend requests. I'm always looking for new friends to help with the promo's or just to chat.

If you want congratulations, just PM me after you congratulated me. Sometimes I forget to look who congratulated me.

My Howrses

I own quite a few horses, most are Appaloosa's, Paint and Quarter Horses. I love those breeds. As you can see, I've got some TB's that I bought for a NIB-project with a friend, but she left the game and now I'm stuck with a bunch of foundation TB's. So I keep myself busy with trying to train them all and combine them into a few horses that will be the start of a TB project. I also dabble into other breeds, but as I'm very slow in training, blupping,.... you won't see much progress in that.


Nothing at the moment.