
About Me

Hi! My name is Piglet. I am 22 years old, and working on my degree in Animation. I guess this makes me "technically" an adult (though I cannot honestly say that I feel like one), so be warned if you decide to message me (I love messages). I suppose that while I am at it, I should say a few things about myself. I love animals, so I am vegetarian. My favorite animal is definitely a pig (if you could not guess by my username), but unfortunately, I do not own one. Instead, I have an amazing guinea pig named Pandora (or Pandy) and an epic beta fish named Jet (after Jet Black from Cowboy Bebop because I am lame like that). They are like literally one of the only two reasons I get up in the morning. The other reason is animation which is pretty much my life. I have always been obsessed with Disney, Pixar, and Dreamworks to the point where my dream job would be at any of these studios. 

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