Hi, I'm Cain! A 23 year old adult player from England. I've been on this game a long old time, with accounts before this one from around 2009 but it's only been recently I've found my love for it again! I have a BA in English Literature and am currently writing my MA dissertation in the same subject. As you can probably guess from the layout, I'm obsessed with the movie 'Togo' but also dogs in general. I lost my heart dog Cain, my best friend, in November 2021 and not a day goes by that I don't miss him like crazy. I do have the honours of co-parenting a crazy labradoodle with my girlfriend, who I love dearly despite him being an absolute idiot in every single way. I also co-parent a tuxedo cat called Batman who like his brother is completely idiotic, but who I wouldn't change for the world. These days, I'm busy trying to find a house to rent and getting far too obsessed with games, and my Wolfstar shipping days are far from over, but I still find myself coming back to Howrse despite not having much to do with real life equines any more. There is nothing that can quite suck the joy out of horses like an equine management course, let me tell you.
I'm currently focusing on breeding TBs and thoroughly enjoying it. I am very much in to competitive breeding right now so if any teams are recruiting, feel free to reach out. However, I have a demanding and full on real life, with a serious relationship and educational responsibilities, and I'm not a pass buyer because cost of living crisis lol. I am an experienced and efficient BLUPer however and have a backlog of items to carry me through. Aside from my competitive streak, I also enjoy roleplaying though these days I do this pretty much strictly through Discord. I used to dabble in graphics but no longer do, aside from the odd avatar collection. Coding this layout took me forever and I am simply too old to remember how I used to do it so quickly. Other than that, I typically keep to myself! I'm always up for a chat, however I ask that no one under 18 messages me outside of gameplay for the simple fact that I am an adult and messaging minors makes me uncomfortable.