Hi!! I'm gonna update this whole thing soon! for now, here's a few random things; 
- I only just recently have gotten back some occasional time to play around here and start taking it somewhat-seriously again, a lot has changed 0.0 
- This game helps me put what I learn in my business (and maths) education into a fun practice! I also am currently studying Emergency Medicine on top of this.
- Feel free to PM me/send a friend request, (I am an adult, just so ya'll are aware!), it's lovely to meet and chat with people from all over the world really! 
 - I also don't mind helping with actual homework (mainly physics, math, business, art, agriculture) haha, though I am most likely procrastinating my own... 
- I am on the bottom of the planet (Australia)
- I'm a major 911 fan, and looking for friends within the fanbase :D.
