Hello, my name is Chey and I am on howrse now because I can't get a horse of my own at least not yet. I was raised with quarter horses through most of my life. I am an animal fan and lover. I hope to one day open my own wildlife animal rehab center in Idaho.50585be4e3159a71c874c590d2ba12ec.png?158838126

Click here to enter into Daisy789's contest for a chance to win some really great prizes.

Game Plan: I want to create some of the best performance horses out there. However I don't believe that pure bloods are superior to mixed. Therefore I am crossing different breeds and trying different combinations to reach that goal. Some of the best horses are grade horses. 0bcb59b20b3d6ca052d914412ddf00ab.png?1097526923a4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336.png?1097526923

