
About Me

On Howrse my goal is to raise the best Thoroughbreds. And I would love to make it to the top ten. I ride thoroughbreds in English style. His name is Armani he is bay and a retired racehorse.
I have two dogs. Both are labradors.

My Horses

All of my horses are purebred thoroughbreds. I raise them to have high gp's and skills. I want to breed the best. Any purebred thoroughbred with a gp over 3000 and high skills, I will take for 5000e.
I will also sell ALL horses in the For Sale tab. Please PM me if interested
Depending on their age, skills, BLUP, and gp will be their price.Current Horses for sale*
Look in FOR SALE tab
*If I do not have an offer on the current horses for sale within 30 days, they will immediately go into auction or direct sale


My Favorite Quote

There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man.  ~Winston Churchill
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