UPDATE: I have apparently been gone from the game for a while. (Like nearly 4 years!) A LOT has changed since then and I am now working on getting caught up. That means a huge sale!!!! I'm getting rid of nearly all of my horses (minus collectables) and starting fresh. 

Buying any unwanted horses for 500-3,500e, regardless of purity, GP/skills or health. Reserve them to me and them send me a message letting me know. 

Important links (related to breeding/foal orders) can be found here This simply makes it so that people don't have to go searching for specific topics in my forum. 

About Me

Offline()         Online(X)

What I'm reading now: Go Tell the Bees That I Have Gone by Diana Gabaldon
      Dark Witch by Nora Roberts 

My name is Rikara. I am an adult player who lives in the lovely state of Missouri (or Misery depending on who you ask) with my husband. That is the only location information I will offer. I am a mom to three beautiful children ranging from 5 years old to just over a year old. My oldest is special needs and he keeps proving his doctors wrong!!!! (If you ask me about him or any of my children, I'll talk your ears off. lol). I'm also a full time student and am getting a Bachelors in Integrative Health Science with an emphasis on holistic nutrition and herbalism. 
 I love music, and I especially love reading. I hope to one day be a writer so I can share my twisted self with the world. I love most animals, but mostly penguins, horses, canines(all of them) and felines (all of them). I don't own a horse in real life, but I hope to one day. I do,  however, have a 10-year old mastiff mix named Pitch, a 1-year old heeler/lab mix named Dexter, and an orange tabby kitten named Oliver. I am sarcastic and a little off, but I try to be kind to everyone. However, that doesn't mean I will take kindly to rudeness. 

My Game/Rules

I try to get on at least once a day, but because of my schedule I sometimes only have time to check messages. I am a homemaker and a military veteran. I love meeting new people (online anyway) and I will always accept friend requests. If you have any questions don't be afraid to ask. I might know the answer or at least direct you on where you can go to get the answers.

 Some of my rules are below:
My horses/Breeding

  • I am doing a huge purge of most of my horses, save for unicorns, and special horses or horses with coats on them. 
  • If a horse is in auction that is where it will stay. I will not pull it and reserve it to you. You will have to bid on the horse just like everyone else.
  • If I say no to your offer, do not be rude. These are my horses and I do not have to sell them for a ridiculous price if I do not want to.
  • If you would like a covering from one of my stallions, just PM me. They are 100 BLUP (unless otherwise stated). Pricing varies according to stud but if you put the word NHITEMARE in your message, I will give you a discount of 300e. I may negotiate the pricing but the rarer it is to find a public covering for the breed the more expensive.  A list of the breeds for stud can be found here  
  • Also, only horses with an actual name will be bred. The horses with a number and their breed are in training and are not up for breeding at this time. 

Foal Orders

     Foal orders are currently closed as I have been off the game for a while now and am having to get all new horses in order to keep up with current decent GP horses. 

My Goals 
  • To get ranked in the top 100
  • To have 1,000,000e
  • To have a horse with a DA coat
  • To have every companion animal
  • To have a foundation horse of every breed
  • To have a 100 BLUP, high GP breeding pair of every breed
  • To have a BLUPed unicorn of every breed

NORMAL PEOPLE: see an angel statue and ignore it.
WHOVIANS: freak out and stare unblinkingly at it while telling their friends "Don't. Blink."
NORMAL PEOPLE: think of dieting pills as ways to lose weight.
WHOVIANS: think of dieting pills as a way to get turned into a mob of little fat adorable alien babies.
NORMAL PEOPLE: see a hospital and think, "I miss you, grandma."
WHOVIANS: see a hospital and think, "Judoon Platoon upon the Moon," and then chuckle to themselves.
NORMAL PEOPLE: are afraid of the dark.
WHOVIANS: are afraid of what's /in/ the dark.
NORMAL PEOPLE: forget things and get annoyed.
WHOVIANS: forget things and know that the Silence are near.
NORMAL PEOPLE: think of vampires and werewolves and think of Twilight.
WHOVIANS: think of vampires and werewolves and think of Venice and Queen Victoria.
NORMAL PEOPLE: think of planets like Neptune, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.
WHOVIANS: think of planets like Gallifrey, Skaro, Raxacoricofallapatorius, and Clom.
NORMAL PEOPLE: think time is a strict linear progression of cause to effect.
WHOVIANS: know time is more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly... timey-wimey... stuff.
NORMAL PEOPLE: will ignore this.
WHOVIANS: will copy and post this on your page  

