
When you can't read someone's handwriting...

  welcome by Crazy-Anime-Fan


About Me

Well, to begin, I am katkuro but I would like to be called Katie. I am actually a very experienced user on howrse, but unfortunately my account somehow disappeared. I had a lot of rare coats and stuff, so now I have to start from scratch.

My profile image is me and my friends horse (even though I ride him more than he does) Sonny Boy. He is a sweetie and isn't camera shy when I feel the need to take selfies with him. The other horse of my friend named Buck feels other wise. Can never get a picture with him. DO NOT STEAL MY PHOTOS.

I had a horse once... She was a beautiful paint and she was named Summer Promise, Summer for short. We had to sell her only a few weeks after we bought her because her previous owners abused her and we didn't have enough money to keep her and not ride her... But I will never forget my first official horse. I have a paint in my Beautiful Creatures tab that has a GA coat that looks just like her. :) I honestly hope she's living a good life today.

I love to read, write, and draw. I am a regular user on Wattpad.com and username is kurokat. It's a nice reading sight to try out for people who want free good books. 

I love anime. My favorites include Black Butler, Blood+, Vampire Knight, No. 6, Fullmetal Alchemist, and Junjou Romantica.

I have a dog and a cat. My cat is currently pregnant and so affectionate! It's like she wants my attention 24/7... Plus food... It may be the food. My dog is half lab and pit. She is the sweetest thing, so I stick up for pits! Its the way you raise them that makes a dog act the way they do!

I love music, especially dark cello muic. I have always wanted to play the cello, but alas, it was not to be fated.

My favorite animals are wolves and horses.




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My Game Information

If you are a new player, I will try to answer any questions you may have about the game.

UNICORNS: I have every unicorn breed, so if you're looking for a particular one, I can breed you one for a reasonable price.

I will always and forever breed Gypsy Vanner horses, and it will maybe be the only breed I will ever own. ( that was apparently a lie... ._.)


I am apparently turning into an avid GA/RC collector. When I get passes, I can buy horses that I like, so if you want to sell a GA/RC for equus or passes, PM me and I'll see if I can buy it. :) (That current goal is on hold. I am now trying to collect unis of every breed and that is what my passes will be going to.)


I will have sales on occasion as is needed.


I do NOT cross breed. If I ever have any horses on here, they all have that little blue star. I just... will not ever buy any either. ._. I'm just WEIRD like that.


I wouldn't mind having friend requests sent to me. I seriously don't bite. :) 


I will NEVER sell my beautiful gypsy uni Mayara or my personal bred 2800+ GP horse Nevermore. I spent actual money on Mayara and I worked hard to scrounge up the items for Nevermore. Never ever send offers for them.


Notable accomplishments:

5/12/14~ Got my first divine on the first try in a horn of plenty!!! :D Got Spring!

Number of rosettes one by my horse Thalion- 102

4/4/2014~ OMG!!!!! I just got my first rosette and it was even by a horse I bred! Thanks Nevermore! :D

1/7/2014~ WOW!!!!! Number 36 on popularity ranking with 204 visits! That has never ever happened to me before and I thank you guys for all the congrats and visits!

03/07/2017~ Yes!!!! Officially am now 19!!!!

1/24/2014~ First uni breeding success from my beautiful mare, Mayara. 

1/29/2014~ First GA retired on a horse that I have bred, Nevermore.

3/29/2014~ Won this pretty little award... And probably won't get it again.-->

Sdkndfkg,mxnvm,b by kurokatmeow


%28y%29.pngGet every unicorn breed.

Get every winged unicorn breed.

%28y%29.pngGet over a million equus.

Own every unicorn breed that are immortal.

Own every 5th Element winged unicorns.

Most GA and RC owned at one time: 45

Highest position in the General Ranking: 7,639





“Oh, and I certainly don't suffer from schizophrenia. I quite enjoy it. And so do I.” 
― Emilie Autumn




Certificate: Test results
Which Horse Breed Are You?

For 40 % you are: You are an Andalusian. You like to be with people and you are very compassionate. You like to be loved and you are very smart.
33.2242 % of 13743 Quiz participants had this profile! Profile A
Take this quiz: Which Horse Breed Are You?

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Anne Rice

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