I really hate people who buy your horses and then sell them immediately for a higher price. Like, come on, do you even have a sense of morality? Man, they really irritate me. 


My current favourite show(s) - Sherlock, Doctor who, The Night Manager and Grimm

My current favourite song - Don't threaten me with a good time by P!ATD

My current favourite movie - Frankenstein (The new version)

My current favourite game - Thief

My current favourite animal(s) - Snakes, Wolves and dragons,  

My current favourite (Book) character - Tyrion (GOT)

My Current favourite film/Tv character(s) -  Killian Hook, The Joker, Moriarty, Loki, Thomas Sharpe, Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr

My current read - Game Of Thrones (GOT)

My current favourite celeb(s) - Andrew Scott and Michael Fassbender

My current crush(es) - Loki, Tom Hiddleston ( Yes I am aware they are the same person ), Michael Fassbender and the Joker 



PLEASE put this on your page if you know someone or are related to someone who has been eaten by dragons. Dragons are nearly unstoppable, and in case you didn't know, they can breathe fire. 93% of people won't copy and paste this on their page, because they have already been eaten by dragons. 6% of people are sitting in the shower... armed with fire extinguishers, and the remaining 1% are awesome and will re-post this!

Don't mind my Tom Hiddleston/Loki shrine down below, if you too are a soldier in their army then take as many as you want to spread the Hiddle Love around Howrse!


  images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS1-26R_XXNHycV1x9wr5VM-2KZ1YV7ejzF_lA4PMP1dwPbnqyMgAtom hiddleston Thor loki 13 anthony hopkins Odin hiddlesgif              gif sherlock dancing tom sherlock holmes Benedict Cumberbatch tom hiddleston benedict Cumberbatch hiddleston Tom dancing tom hiddleston dancing sherlock in a sheettom hiddleston Thor loki 13 anthony hopkins Odin hiddlesgiftumblr_m7rci5oc811rp8w8a.giftumblr_mvlbdtLXl11qaybgdo8_250.gif
imagemy edits tom hiddlestontom hiddlestonmy edits tom hiddlestontumblr_m5f3s4Ge2x1qghbd8.giftom hiddleston lovermy gifs tom hiddlestontom hiddleston loki avengerstumblr_mi4x3eoakx1rrqglzo1_r1_500.giftumblr_mi4p7qsKlj1rdi4gno1_500.giftumblr_m4t7aysRd21rv2yi1o1_500.jpg41765-Loki-uhh-burn-gif-DQ41.giftumblr_m8l2fjiD1M1rqxfc8.gifthor-loki-mjolnir-funny-gif.giftumblr_m67911QTTs1r79z72o2_500.giffunny-GIF-Loki-Tom-Hiddleston-green-screen.giffunny-Loki-army-Hulk-girls.jpgloki_gif_by_13crowley13-d5odis8.giftumblr_mblm60owpa1rt7tb9.gifa2568230715d4b25cabc4584e8b7f16d.jpgline-leader-loki-gif1.giffunny-picture-Loki-Tom-Hiddleston-Liam-Hemsworth.jpgfunny-picture-thor-loki-hammer-nokia.jpgtumblr_magng6Mfwk1qkchoyo2_1280.jpgfunny-gif-Loki-Katniss-Everdeen-volunteer.giftumblr_m82219iYHE1qetk25o4_250.gifEven Loki's got a Wendy...Thor-and-Loki.jpgfunny-Loki-Thor-actors.jpgfunny-Loki-Thor-Rapunzel.jpgfunny-hammer-loki-lol-Favim.com-1544500.gif

And my Joker shrine as well, you're probably sensing a pattern here aren't you?


Note : When you buy my horses you automatically sign an agreement stating that you will not place this horse in the safe haven, especially a foal. I was looking on the safe haven thing and it came up with a foal that I had bred myself. I worked hard to breed him. His name is Finders keepers and now another one called Tilly if any of you see him or her in the safe haven. I cannot express angry I feel, I know it it just a game but still I grow attached to my horses so you are the one who did that and you know what I feel like then you should feel bad about yourself, I chose to give that horse to you and you just place it in the safe haven.4bf0d19a3e59333e02cd4fce8e7902ed.png?182880636025376ca9c38f23811c401c64339ffa93.png?1828806360


funny movie dancing sherlock holmes jude law robert downey jr rdj Game of Shadows watson chestmy gif sherlock holmes sherlock holmes: a game of shadows movie: sherlock holmes Type: Movie







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NORMAL PEOPLE: see an angel statue and ignore it.
WHOVIANS: freak out and stare unblinkingly at it while telling their friends "Don't. Blink."
NORMAL PEOPLE: think of dieting pills as ways to lose weight.
WHOVIANS: think of dieting pills as a way to get turned into a mob of little fat adorable alien babies.
NORMAL PEOPLE: see a hospital and think, "I miss you, grandma."
WHOVIANS: see a hospital and think, "Judoon Platoon upon the Moon," and then chuckle to themselves.
NORMAL PEOPLE: are afraid of the dark.
WHOVIANS: are afraid of what's /in/ the dark.
NORMAL PEOPLE: forget things and get annoyed.
WHOVIANS: forget things and know that the Silence are near.
NORMAL PEOPLE: think of vampires and werewolves and think of Twilight.
WHOVIANS: think of vampires and werewolves and think of Venice and Queen Victoria.
NORMAL PEOPLE: think of planets like Neptune, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.
WHOVIANS: think of planets like Gallifrey, Skaro, Raxacoricofallapatorius, and Clom.
NORMAL PEOPLE: think time is a strict linear progression of cause to effect.
WHOVIANS: know time is more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly... timey-wimey... stuff.
NORMAL PEOPLE: will ignore this.
WHOVIANS: will copy and past this on their page.


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