Hi! I love to read especially rick riordan's percy jackson and red pyramid series.I don't except friend requests except from people I know.a, love horses but unfortunatly do not have one of my own.:( My favorite breeds are the chincoteague ponies,Frisian, and Mustang.I have one immortal divine horse named Ruby. I am looking for unicorns of the chincoteague pony breed and mustang breed. I am willing to buy any purebreds. I will pay 5000e but no more. Please send me a unicorn. I return congrats.VISIT MY FORUM PLEASE!! You ask me what sport I do. I'll say Equestrian. You tell me: It's not a sport. You tell me: It's easy. You tell me it takes no skill. You tell me: We just sit there. You tell me: We aren't athletes. You tell me: It's just a silly hobby. But I ask you: Have you ever trusted something so unpredictable, who, with one misstep, can kill us? Have you ever fallen from 10 feet up, going 35mph, brushed yourself off and kept going? Have you ever raced full speed towards a solid obstacle? Have you ever jumped something that's taller than you? So before you underestimate us, think to yourself; Do you understand the true bond required? Have you ever had a team mate ten times your size? Ask yourself that, don't judge us. Repost if you are a proud horse rider♥

Your rainbow is intensely shaded violet, yellow, and white.


What is says about you: You are a creative person. You appreciate optimism. You're good at getting people to like you. People depend on you to make them feel secure.

Divine%2BGiveaway%2BBanner.jpgplanete-smiley_emoticone.13.gifImage and video hosting by TinyPic

Ways to Keep Your Sanity:

1. sit in parked a car with sunglasses on and point a hairdryer at passing cars and see if they slow down
2. page yourself over the intercom. don't disguise your voice
3. everytime someone askes you to do something ask them if they want fries with that
4. put a paper bin on your desk and label it "in"
5. order a diet water whenever you go out to eat-- with a serious face
6. specify that your drive-through order is "to go"
7.skip rather than walk
8. dont use any punctuation
9. sing along at the opera
10. five days in advanced tell your friends you cant go to their party because you aren't in the mood
11. have your friends address you by your wrestling name,rock bottom
12. when money comes out of the cash machine scream "i won, i won!"
13.when leaving the zoo, start running toward the car park screaming "run for your lives, they're loose!"
14. put this on your page and make someone else smile

You carry the Bible, the devil gets a headache. When you open it,he collapses. When he sees you reading it, he faints. When he sees you living it, he flees. And just when you're about to re-post this, he will try and discourage you. I just defeated him! Copy and re-post this if you're in God's army.I asked Jesus: "How much do you love me?" He replied, "This much," and spread His arms out on the cross and died. 97% of people will not post this. If you are one of the 3%, post this on your page!When Jesus died on the cross, He was thinking about you. 96% of people won't put this on their page if they are a Christian. They are telling us that they don't want to stand up for God. Put this on you page if you are some of the 4% that WILL stand up for Him!†

Put this on your page if you are one of these people: If someone tells you "dont look now" but you do anyways. If all those years you watched Blues Clues, you never realized Blue was a GIRL. If you cant stand to hear your own voice in videos or recording. If you sit in your car waiting for the song you love to be over, then leave. If you hate waking up from a good dream and it won't come back. If you think those 5 extra minutes of sleep really make a difference. If your fridge has NOTHING in it to eat, no matter how full it is. If you stand in the shower for ages because the hot water feels soooo good. If you hate getting out of the shower and it's FREEZING. If you haven't lost it... you just... haven't found it yet. If you stop the microwave before it hits 0:00 to avoid hearing the loud BEEPs. If you hate it when you think of a really good comeback after the argument is over. If you love it when teachers get off track and tell you stories about their life. If you hate when teachers say "From all the talking, I assume everyone is done

'Farewell Giveway in Bellus's forum. Over 2 mil and 14 passes to be won'

 tinytoottiny finds this on your page you automatically get a free pass! No Joke! tinytoottiny swears if she sees this, under NO circumstance will she ignore it!

If horsey12335566 finds this on your page you could win a pass! Hint: DO NOT PM.

If $KK$ finds this on your page, you could instantly win a helios ray, golden apple, a horse, harmony pack, tack, companions, turnips. droppings, mash, and if you're lucky, a hermes winged staff! If you PM $KK$ you will win NOTHING

http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m9hohi8iDV1rrqglzo1_500.gif  Make your own banner at MyBannerMaker.comtumblr_ml0n5eewVk1rrqglzo1_500.gif32118713.giftumblr_inline_mjpuszso0w1qz4rgp.gif316x8pf.jpgth?id=H.5010647310009474&pid=1.7&w=240&h=188&c=7&rs=1371691l2xsyge23v.gif



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