Highest General Ranking: 27422nd (12/09/23)

Our Game
Since life gets in the way, we're not on the international server as often as we'd like. We accept all friend requests but if there is no response, just keep sending them in. We'll return congratulations when we see them, so yeah! Have fun. :)

Extra Bits on Howrse
Congratulate 5 Topaz to win 50 equus or 10 passes.
One   Two   Three   Four   Five
Stroke Xanthos to win 10% energy for you newest horse or Horn of Plenty.
One   Two   Three   Four   Five
Defrost a Frost to try and win a Hypnos Blanket.
Answer Archimedes' question to increase it's intelligence points.
Name your horse Junior Croesus for a chance to have a Croesus.
Stroke a horse in the Safe Haven to win cool stuff.
Vote in the Creation Space to win equus.

About Us
We've had this account for a while now despite our low seniority, or not so low (relatively). 

Person 1 (they/them)
Loves reading (most fiction except horror), writing stories, and drawing.

Person 2 (he/him)
Hello! I like to read book, write stories, draw, watch movies and TV, and listen to music

Have a good day!