Returning after several years offline!

Current Goals:
+ Board all horses in my own EC 
+ Relearn Howrse & Market Values
+ Complete daily objectives
+ Improve every horse in my care (training, rides, comps, etc)


Please note prior to contacting me that I am an adult player. 
While I do not consider myself "competitive" at the moment, I am playing to enjoy improving the horses I have and piddling in some hobby horses. That said, I am always open to helping other players with objectives, training, comps, coverings, advice etc. If you need help with something, just ask! I also have suggestions on how to make/save equus/passes in my EC forum. Happy Howrsing!

All 100 blup stallion coverings are 500e on request. 
Most of my horses are for sale. Just ask if you see one you like!