Hi I love Arabians and my unis. All of my horses are for sale! However my GA's are not. if you offer me the right price I will be willing to sell them. I do breed Arabian unis. If you are interested in buying one of the foals PM me and ill reserve the next one for you. I a currently looking for a philosophers stone and am wiling to trade. I am very negotiable and understanding on prices as long as your willing t be fair with me. PM me any time. I accept all friend requests. don't be afraid to ask me about any of my horses.


Hi everyone I am currently breeding Mustangs. If you would like to buy one of my mustangs just PM me ill get back to you within the next two days. All my mustangs are 15k unless they have a 5% - 1% coat and have a low GP. A list of prices will be below. All of my mustang foals are currently bread by my two mares and stallion I just purchased. I do however accept covers. there will be a list of prices below. I will also fully train your horse for 10k, if its one of my Mustangs or not. If it is however not one of my mustangs I do charge an extra 1k. All my  Mustang foals will have Horse insurance. If the foal dies before it reaches 3yrs you will receive a new horse of the Mustang breed for 500 equus. I would like proof that the horse has died so I am not just giving away free horses.    I do offer an extended Horse insurance plan for an extra 20k. the extended insurance includes one free year of boarding at Heartland_4ever! you still get everything you would in the normal insurance plus $5 000 off of the horse you want. Also when you get the extended Horse insurance your horse is fully trained for 50% off if you want it trained in future.    Heartland_4ever :)                                              

Coverings: I do not accept any covers with the GP under 1500 so if you would like to offer me a covering please have good GP.     

GP       Price  

1500  - $1000

1600 - $ 1200

1700 - $ 1600

1800 - $ 2000

2000 - $ 2500


Mustangs: Prices on foals may very depending on GP and the rarity of the coat.

GP         Price

350 - $750

500 - $ 1000

1000 - $ 5000

1500 - 1900 - $ 15 000 - $ 25 000

2000 - $ 30 000 - $ 35 000


Do not forget that prices may change on the percent of the coat if the coat is 5% or less.

1% - $100 000

2% - $50 000

3% - $45 000

4% - $40 000

5% - $30 000


If you cant afford these prices and you would love to buy one of my Mustangs PM me we can try and work something out.



I will buy horses about to be put in the safe haven for $2000. I do not like seeing good horses go to waste. If you are a new player and  have any questions about Howrse don't be afraid to PM me im very friendly and love to meet new people. I accept all friend requests :).  

I would like to thank Mely31 for posting an add in her News Letter about my Mustangs.  Thank you Mely31 :).