
About Me

Hey! I'm Meow16, my pronouns are she/her, I'm a married 25 year old who lives in Florida with my spouse and my rabbit, Elton and our cats, Suki, Willow & Mr. Nutter Butter. My hobbies include things like photography, cake decorating, needle felting, knitting & crocheting, and crafting in general. My favorite color is teal although I also like mint green & navy blue. My favorite TV shows include Avatar the last airbender, Gravity Falls, The Owl House, New Girl, and Miraculous. My favorite movies are Barbie (2023), Deadpool 1 & 2, Big Hero 6, the LOTR movies, Venom, Detective Pikachu,  Kingsman 1 & 2, and a bunch more. My favorite music artists are: Owl city, Marina, Hozier, Harry styles, Taylor Swift, etc.



I'm watching: Call the Midwife

I'm listening to: Hozier

I am logged: on/off/off&on


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Feel free to pm me! Glad you stopped by my page!


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