What am I upto right now? Listening to "Witnesses and Criminals" by The Spiritual Machines while working on my top stallion of the same name, 'WITNESSES&CRIMINALS'. Go to my 'Favorite horses' and say hi. 


To anyone who recognizes this sigil... 

~ May the Stars Listen and Your Dreams Be Answered ~

~ and Remember, You Bow to No One ~ 

So a bit about me. I'm 21, so yes I'm an adult player. I started this account when I was younger, and this is my original account. So if I come off as a little goth it's because I was... and I still hold a special place in my heart for all things dark and creepy. Which would explain my username, Zvezda means Star so literally BlackStar, and my complete loyalty to those black Dressage dancers also known as Friesians. 

My interests are books; especially fantasy and history, my favorite fantasy series at the moment is 'A Court of Thorns and Roses' by Sarah J. Maas (The Carver is my beau <3 ) and I'm reading up on ancient goddesses and their cultures especially Elen of the Ways.  I also read way too much manga and webcomics, at the moment I have four webcomic apps downloaded onto my phone and yes they are all necessary! so if you would like to recommend anything to me I'd love to hear about it. I go through them way to fast for my liking I never want them to end. 1237ba915d5f9f5f8184ac135972068b.png From manga- I also have a love for anime and have premium subscriptions to Crunchyroll (Crunchyroll Expo 2018 here I come!!!) and Funimation and have a subscription to Netflix and Hulu for the sole purpose of their anime collections so if you want to talk anime I'm down. I also enjoy the occasional K-drama, I don't know much about K-pop but again I'm willing to try anything. 

If you can't tell by looking at my 'Favorite horses' I enjoy themed horses with their own stories, these stories or themes are often inspired by any of the aforementioned topics.

I breed and train skillers, several of whom have been first in the Friesian rankings, go to my 'Favorites' tab and say hi to them. I eventually want to start breeding a variety of horse types including draft (Shire), pony (idk maybe Kerry Bog or Highlander?) and donkeys. I'm also very interested in breeding top Friesian unicorns, so if you are interested in starting a breeding team together or have one you might want me to join feel free to PM me (I'm not opposed to filling out an application, I just don't want to go job searching.)


The Carver e7e0b504610fac2eb3eaba34d6edee5b.png