my name is ponybreeder478.
right now i'm just a casual player,
but i'm gaining resources to become competitive. 
i own a 16.2hh chestnut mare,
a hanoverian who is named ballarine.
we are competing 2nd level and hopefully 3rd
this coming show season. 
i enjoy the following:
- harry potter
- chai tea lattes
- horses
- awolnation
- game of thrones
- internet
- dressage
- dogs
- christmas
- snow patrol
- ukuleles
- canada
- photography
- phildel
- books
i dislike the following:
- spiders
- people who fail to use their signal lights
- needles
- ladders
- standing martingales
- gas prices
- the words adversity and organisms
- industrial paper cutters
- duotangs
thanks for stopping by!