Thanks to FruityDoge for my avatar :)

Have I mentioned that I like Jimin?
Now that Jimin caught your attention a bit about me I am 20 and I am scared? I guess that makes me an adult huh? I am of the female variety and I work for the United States Marine Corps {Oorah!} I think that is all, always feel free to pm me if ya wanna talk or be friends. I am a very avid user of the lol, so just a fair warning to everyone out there, I say AHH a lot too lol. One other thing I love bts and Twenty One Pilots, both vital pieces of information I suppose.
 United States Marine *muscle emoji*
I'll tell you a little about my game, my main and only focus is the KWPN team I am on, we are doing really good and I love them all so much,, they probably won't see this but thank you guys for being the best.

I honestly can't thank Vinster and 494 enough for these layouts I love them so much help my soul
Pretty sure I don't know what to put here


The adverts

None at the moment



PitaPata Horse tickers