Please do NOT copy ANY of my photographs as they are of MY OWN horses NOT YOURS !!!! Create your own banner at! Create your own banner at!

If it isn't in the sales then it is NOT for sale, please don't ask as the answer will always be NO and i will ignore the pms and possibly block those that continue to beg or do all those stupid smillies, they don't work for me, i'm an adult player 935cc82ef2748ac36d8c208173df154a.png?41296740

Looking for a new page design, i would also like to put my new horse photo up on here too, hes a very pretty welsh cob.

During the last promotion i was clever enough to win my very first divine horse a Venus, i did not spend any money on passes either, i just worked extremely hard and managed to win one 935cc82ef2748ac36d8c208173df154a.png?1009036530

I'm so proud of that fact too as it proves you CAN if you know what you are doing. 50585be4e3159a71c874c590d2ba12ec.png?1009036530

I'm now the proud owner of 2 divines and they make up for all that hard work a7bb0d20f957c76aa37af76eaa5f35b4.png?1009036530

Please be aware i am willing to trade animals for BM items HOWEVER i REFUSE to release valuable animals until the BM item is actually in my posession !!! Thank You, im aware of every scam you try to pull935cc82ef2748ac36d8c208173df154a.png?1196797414

Please play more fair if a horse has BLUPPING in its name respect it and dont put your 100+BLUPPED animal in the competitions. Thank You.

IF you have your 20 wins then PLEASE rename your horse, i'm seeing this so often now and to be honest its LIES!!!!! Often i use up my fillers helping players and such like but cannot stand it when in fact they DONT NEED the wins AT ALL.

Please pm me if im filling your races, it isnt done on purpose and often i help you get your missing golds.I consider myself to be a fair player who tries to help other people 50585be4e3159a71c874c590d2ba12ec.png?137722501

Beware of scammers, i have been scammed out of a unicorn.


Because of this i'm no  longer trading or loaning unicorns to anyone ESPECIALLY minors.

Like a phoenix is reborn so am I

An old player has returned %28h%29.png?zojfzekkfbkerf

PLEASE n THANK YOU cost nothing and get you more from me.

i ignore mannerless mail.

Horses are priced to sell, i'm not a charity, i do not give away my things.

I have blupped 2 foundations in 48 hours, i had no team to help me, which proves it can be done.

Random friend requests aren't accepted, friends have earned their place there.

If  something sounds too good to be true it probably is.

I have finally managed to blup my friesian stallion his gp is perfect at 351.20, every horse in my favourites are 100+blupped and fully bolded
