Woahhh it's 2023 now, I don't play socially much lol
I'm going to leave the rest of my page as it was when it was last updated, as a sort of time capsule. Enjoy the ramblings of my late teens brain!

News stuff + Hogwash: {Date updated: 14th of May 2017)

It is currently 12°C. 

So I just realised I'm an adult. Ask your parents before messaging me, I guess? Honestly, I'm probably more of a kid than most kids, anyways. :P

Check out Nowra's, ILHowrse's, sunnylove's, and appledapplebanana's Forums, they exceed healthy epicosity levels. And if you're hardcore enough, check out avaweezie's. But be warned, it's not for the fainthearted, that's for sure. Oh, and while you're at it, why don't you visit mine? (Warning: you might want to bring a broom to brush away the cobwebs)

Stuff 'bout me:

Other stuff:

If you're wondering whether or not I'm trustworthy, just ask appledapplebanana, or sunnylove, eh?
My Game:

Current favourite songs: 

Most songs by Half Moon Run

%28l%29.png YouTube

[I put all those "eh"s there on purpose, so don't worry, eh? ;).png?1947483986]

*stuffs face with cheese-buns and other delicious food*

*slaps "I'm crazy and I know it" sticker to forehead*

*steals all the **Tonys, ***Carlitas and pastries in the world* 

*dashes away, cape a-flapping* 

Starred stuff:

**: Frogs.

***: Toads.

If you've taken the time to read my page all the way to here, congrats and thank you! 
As a reward, I'll leave you with funnies.
