May the Force be with you, the odds ever in your favor, with some Pixie dust and some Felix Felicis too! a4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336.png

I was introduced to Howrse back in 2010, and played obsessively for a few years before promptly forgetting all about it (blame GaiaOnline and also ADHD, lol). Then, in 2013 or so, the stress of college reminded me of the sweet escape of some beautiful virtual horses and so I found myself on here again, spending way too much time and money trying to even brush the tails of the greatest on Howrse. 

Then I forgot again...haha. Some things don't change, do they?

And now I'm back! Mid-Pandemic, just turned 28, and still as big a nerd as I ever was. If you love Star Wars, Disney, Marvel, The Hunger Games, Sherlock, Glee, Teen Wolf, Pokemon, Stardew Valley, The Sims, Terrible Cooking Shows, Studio Ghibli films, most Animated films in general and/or Musicals and Horror Movies, hit me up! I love making new friends, especially ones I can geek out with :3