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*I am an adult player*
Y'all can call me Ninja. I've been on Howrse for over a decade. Life events prevent me from playing as much as I used to, but I try to log on for a little while every now and then.

I like a whole bunch of different shows and movies, which are kind of reflected in my horses' names. I used to have a list, but it got so long that I decided to scrap it. If you have any questions about a particular show/movie, don't hesitate to ask! :]

Questions? Comments? Concerns? Send me a PM and I'll be happy to help.
Good luck, and happy breeding! 

I put 99% of my focus on my unicorns. Pretty much all the news below is about my unicorns, so if you're interested in seeing the horses I'm rambling about, check the Mythology Alive/Mythology Reborn tabs. 

I am always looking for unwanted horses to complete my Trophy objectives. If you're selling horses, please let me know and I'll check them out. I will buy any horse that is on its way to the Safe Haven for a maximum of 7500e.