About Me:
I'm either a hobbit or a hobgoblin, depending on the day.

ꅐꐔ꒒ꀷ ꏳꁝ꒐꒒ꀷ Kerry bog uni team is looking for 1-2 more members

We are none competitive / Bog ponies are cute / Collectors and uni lovers /
PM me if interested


Easily distracted with unicorn blooping, tab organizing, coat collecting, or I'm just not online at the moment.

му gαмє:

Currently working on lots of "just for fun" unicorn projects with lunarmoon
If interested in joining or creating a uni team, message lunarmoon.
~Im just here to gawk at unicorns and blup spree when I feel like it~

~I like the horned bog ponies best~

I like to collect stuff and things

I dump lots of goodies into auction every weekend and direct during the week

Working on organizing my page better. Will pay for a decent layout!
Message me please T^T

Always buying:
/ Bolts / Lyres / Heels / H.rays / Timers / M.arms / F.wands

/ RC's Horses / GA's Horses / Pets /
Everything is for sale for the right price.
Just shoot me a message with a link to the horse and your starting offer

Any immortal GA for 85 passes

~Any and all female unicorns! PM for prices~ 

150 passes are worth 275k equivalent

Boring stuff about my meh game:

I'm around, but mostly just playing with unis and Prix horses for fun.

finally taking an actual hiatus from competitive marwari unicorn breeding lol.

 Since 2011 I've always been near top or the top GP for the entire Wari uni breed and I'm pretty proud of myself and my teams for that!

Wari uni team

How Long have I been Playing this Money Hungry game? PitaPata Cat tickers