I am tired of people asking for my unis. NO UNICORN I HAVE AT ALL is for sale. I've been trying to be nice about it and now it's getting annoying when people are asking for them! So now, just stop since the answer will always be  no.




About ME!

Wazz up peeps!!!I am Jasmyn, #1 fan of Hot Chelle Rae!!!!!!!!!! I am in HUGE love with Ryan Follese the lead singer!! I love twilight!!! TEAM EDWARD!!! I am a very sweet person unless you make me angry. I love to RPG, but right now I only do private human ones. So YEAH!!!!icon_for_livvy1123_by_horseartaddict.gifimages?q=tbn:ANd9GcTWPdlhVeoHiUbLGEz__8EipTHm2ts1c6rtAWMhV11Ln6GEKVwo


I breed ALL unis!!I JUST GOT 100 UNIS ON 7/31/12!!! POLASKI IS NOW A V.I.U(very imprortant uni)!!! JUST GOT 200 UNIS ON 1/3/13!!!㊗Caietta㊗ IS NOW A V.I.U AS WELL! NO UNI IS FOR SALE SO DON'T EVEN ASK. The only horses for sale are the rejects in the for sale tab. If you are about to send a horse to the safe haven send it to me! So YEAH!!!


ALERT!!!!!!!!!jazz gel's account has been hacked!the hacker has sold most of the real account owner's horses!if you have 1 of jazz gel's horses sell it to the following people:cougar2,unicorn15,loader2,ˆ√¥ivyˆ√¥,chewy16,helenlena,katbykatie,or unicorn200.I AM NOT KIDDING!              

                                   ICONS AND BANNERS



puppydig.gif  116p25j.gif



2005631.jpg828g30x_th.jpgHorse-Thoughts-2.jpg95% of teens would cry if they saw Justin Bieber at the top of a skyscraper about to jump. Copy and paste this to your page if you are part of the 5% that would sit there with popcorn and a camera and yell "DO A FLIP!!!!99% of girls would die if Justin Bieber appeared at their doorstep and asked for a date. If you’re the 1% that would be wiping blood from your fist, put this on your page98% of girls would cry if Justin Bieber disappeared off the face of the Earth. Post this on your page if you are one of the 2% that would run around the house screaming: "Yeah! I'll never have to hear his irritating voice ever again!"90% of girls would go crazy if Justin Bieber jumped off a bridge.
7% would jump with him, or shoot themselves.
If you are one of the 3% that would PUSH HIM,copy and paste this on your page!99% of girls would cry forever if Justin Beiber fell off a cliff and died. Post this on your page if you are part the 1% of girls that would party all night long.Never Say Never- by Justin Bieber = A sad tale sung by a boy whose excess of hair blocks the oxygen flow to his brain, resulting in an unfortunate mental handicap that prevents the singer from realizing that by titling his song, “Never Say Never”, he is, indeed, saying the word "never."Twice.

Puppy eats Lime and freaks out Pictures, Images and Photos


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Layout designed by ˆ√¥ivyˆ√¥ for cougar2 only code generated at howrseinfo.com

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