Hello, i'm tasker and after an absence of about 2-3 years I have come back. A little bit about myself is that I am an anime nerd. I'm also very into k-pop (if you can name who is my profile picture you are my new best friend). My favorite group right now is EXO. If you ever want to PM me about these topics i'm always happy to talk. A few more facts about me are I am a teenage girl, I horseback ride, my favorite subject in school is English and I love to eat anything with gravy on it. As of right now I don't see myself becoming a very competitive player since I don't have the resources or connections to make my horses a big success :/




To all the little children: - The happy ones; and sad ones;

The sober and the silent ones; the boisterous and glad ones;
The good ones - Yes, the good ones, too; and all the lovely 
bad ones

I Do Custom Foals, So If You Want One PM Me The Name Of The Mare And Stallion :) The Price Will Be Determined When The Foal Is Born