Welcome to my page! 

I've been on Howrse for 13 years of my life, and wow so much has changed! I used to be incredibly into the game, now I just log on for fun each day to rotate my EC's meadows, complete the daily objectives, and return congratulations. I'm a very casual player.

About me:
- I am 25 years old.
- I graduated from Cornell University as a psychology major.
- I run my own pet sitting business -- and oversee employees who work with me -- as my job.
- I have two Arabians: Junior (eventing, trail) & Cantaro (dressage, trail) and am a competitive eventer. 
- My favorite color is orange.
- My favorite dog breed is Pit Bulls, and I plan to rescue one as soon as I find a pit bull-friendly place to live.
- For non-horses, I currently have: one dog (Lilly), one betta (Captain Finnegan), and five aquatic Mystery Snails (Apple, Sunflower, Stormy, Chestnut II, & Lilac).
- I do not buy passes.