I am not really active anymore, but don't let that stop anything. I apologize to the users I lost contact with.

I'll pay ya nicely for these two coats:



About Me

Howrse semi original.

I don't usually bite, but I have had my shots; come say "hi".

I raise animals and drown in classwork.
Occasionally I hide from my responsibilities in this particular chunk of internet.

This site kind of taught me coding before I had any idea it was a thing.

I am a proud Christian and that is one thing about me that will never change.
*laughs at my beautifully naïve middle school self that wrote that*

My Game

I don't really breed any thing anymore, or not right now at least. I still collect and that is my main goal as of late.

I've been on this game at some activity level or another for quite a while. *nostalgic moment* I remember when horses hit 2000 skills and we were all amazed.

I am too attached to these little conglomerations of pixels for my own good.



2222th person to congratulate me will win a prize.


(y).png?137722501Own a divine or special

(y).png?137722501Have over 1,000,000e

(y).png?137722501Own a Diamond Apple horse

(y).png?137722501Own a Diamond Apple pony

(y).png?137722501Own over 20 GA coats

Own over 50 GA coats

Own over 20 RC's

Collect one of every bewitched

 pumpkin horse (4 of 5)

Collect one of every 5th element horse (4 of 5)

Breed a mustang uni with a gp over 100 (at 959)



*looks back over my page from 2011* Goodness, I just about gave myself a seizure. I'm working on cleaning it up, honest.


If you read any of this I hereby present you with jello, some juice, and a sticker. If any of you ever need new parents, I am your mother now, but I only buy the unfrosted poptarts. Go forth and have no fear.